About HTML

In the present guide we will meet basic concepts and learn basic information and about the 'Hyper Text Markup Language' (HTML) language.
HTML - 'Hyper Text Markup Language' is the central tag language in the world of the Internet, which forms the skeleton of most content pages on the Internet. This language enables content design in a fast, relatively easy-to-learn and easy-to-write format.
HTML is designed to work on any device and platform, also, it was designed to be very easy to use and also permitted be used by any website developer, without the need to purchase copyright from any company.
HTML lets you create links to additional HTML documents or to different types of data. It allows you to display data using: text, sound, image, video and more. HTML is used as a standard on the Internet and its rules are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (W3C). The HTML5 version is under development and parts of it are currently used in browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Chrome.
HTML Standard
HTML is a markup language with a fixed structure. There are clear rules on how to write HTML code to conform to W3C standards for the Internet. The purpose of these rules is to make websites available on all types of computers and mobile devices such as PCs, mobile phones, PDAs and even TVs.
HTML Editor Types
There are two main types of HTML editors: text-based HTML editors, and WYSIWYG-based visual HTML editors. While in the past this distinction was more pronounced, today it is common to see HTML editors actually combining those two types of editors.
  • Text-based HTML editors
    While HTML code can be created and edited using any text editing tool, such as Windows Notepad, dedicated HTML editors provide more useful and convenient tools.
    Text editors adapted for writing HTML code will usually provide a color scheme for the code as a basic element in the software. Some editors also include templates, toolbars, and keyboard shortcuts to quickly insert common objects and HTML structures, as well as wizards, tooltips, auto-complete techniques, etc.. which make the developing process become easier.
  • Visual HTML editors - WYSIWYG
    The term WYSIWYG, which means "What you see is what you get" is a nickname for software that simulates the finished product already during its creation and editing.
    HTML editors using the "WYSIWYG" method (an english acronym for "what you see is what you get") provide a visual editing interface, in which the web page is displayed in a manner similar to how it is displayed in a web browser. Because using a visual editor may not require any prior knowledge of HTML, these HTML editors are often considered more user-friendly for those who are just starting out in the web design world
    This technique, which provides great convenience to the developer is fully supported by the HTMEditor.
Those techniques are fully supported by the HTMEditor. You can edit your html documents in a WYSIWYG mode, or in the source code editor (File->Source Code). The both techniques allow you to display the results online (File->Preview).
The HTML tags are instructions that are not displayed in the browser, and they are just instructions to the browser how to parse, format and display the content in the document.
The tags in the HTML document are arranged in a hierarchical structure just like a tree. A standard HTML document contains a head and body. The basic HTML document structure looks like this:

 <!-- HTML Page -->


     <!-- Declear the header -->

     <!-- Declear the body -->


HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5) is a key tagging language and technology on the web used to design the structure and display content on the web, and is the fifth version of the HTML tagging language. As of October 2014, this is the latest and most complete version of HTML5, as defined by W3C, the central organization that deals with network standardization. The previous version, HTML 4, was revised in 1997.
You can read more about HTML5 at Wikipedia:

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